Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Week 6: Framing!

Woohoo! what a great start to the week. Hubby was in the area and decided to drop by the block to see if there has been any progress on the block since last week.
So happy to see these photos come through from him today! Frames for downstairs are up and to our surprise, they will be using steel beams so there will be no creaks upstairs!
I've already started picturing what furniture I would put in which rooms!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 5: Firewall between Granny Flat & Main Dwelling

This Monday was a good day for hubby and I as hubby was contacted by our SS to start on the firewall between the main dwelling and the granny flat (hubby is a bricklayer).

So, he smashes that out all under a day and sent me these progress photos as an update. SS said the frames should be delivered next Monday although we were both under the impression that it was going to be delivered this week. As long as they deliver and start on site with the frame next week, I am happy.

Hubby is booked in to brick up mid March so hopefully, the carpenters will be done by then and hoping that the weather holds up for our sake.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Week 4: Drainage

It was a slow week this week with only drainage done on site. Sand was also delivered for the double brick wall going between the main dwelling and Granny flat.

Its shaping up very slowly. Cant wait to see it with a frame this coming week!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Week 3: We have a slab!

Finally after months and months of preparation and agony in all those selection meetings and wasted time in Admin, I am happy to announce we finally have a slab!

Things are moving swiftly and hopefully they stay moving swiftly so we can get this place finished sooner rather than later. I am SO happy that there is finally progress that it is almost a surreal feeling for me.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week 2: Piering and form work

This week was a good week!

Piering and formwork done. Really excited to finally be moving along with the build.
Supervisor says we should be pouring the slab in ten days or so.

This photo was taken last week when we visited the block to check on the progress of things.